How to Make a Bicycle First Aid Kit for Kids

My children and I enjoy taking short bicycle trips across the valley. Whether it’s a trip on designated bike paths or a two hour jaunt up into the foothills, we never leave our car without our bicycle first aid kit.

There are bicycle first aid kits you can purchase for around $20. I prefer to make my own, and customize it for the sorts of emergencies a parent can expect with children. Because this kit will travel with you on your bicycle, it must be compact and lightweight. With the items listed below, you should be well prepared for the usual scrapes, sprains, cuts, and bug bites that typically happen on family bicycle outings.

How to assemble your bicycle first aid kit

The first thing you will need is a water proof container. A zippered or plastic or vinyl cosmetic bag works very well; these can usually be purchased at …

Save Energy: Buy a Bicycle and Ride it Every Day

As the oil crunch becomes more pronounced, Americans are looking for more ways to save energy, and more to the point, gas.

Bicycles, always a popular mode of transportation in Europe and other parts of the world, are becoming more and more ubiquitous in the United States.

The very first bicycle ever is reputed to be the Draisienne, invented in Germany by Baron Von Drais. It was made almost all of wood and was operated by pushing one’s feet against the ground.

Bicycles since then have evolved into carefully designed high tech machinery utilizing lightweight metallurgy and ergonomic designs that cater to the older American as well as children and everyone in between.

Buying a bicycle today can be an exercise in frustration and riding one in traffic an even more fearful event, especially for those Americans who haven’t straddled one since their youth.

Seek the advice of your local …

Bicycle Child Seats: Get Fit While Spending Quality Time with Your Child

Every parent wants to give to their baby the best experiences in life. Yet the constant effort to keep your child happy and involved can leave you exhausted. Too often the one thing let go to make room for your baby is the time you need to renew yourself. If you are not careful to take the time to renew your own self, the time you spend with your baby will eventually suffer. What was once quality time will become a chore and both of you will feel the difference.

But what if there was a way to begin including your child in the things that you do so you both begin to benefit and the quality of your time together becomes even stronger?

If you enjoy riding bicycles, the answer is already here. If cycling was not something you did before, the ease at which this new baby seat …