Product Review: Orbea Arin Rival Bicycle

Are you looking for the perfect road bicycle for your biking needs? Give the Orbea Arin Rival a try. Priced between twenty five hundred and five thousand, depending on the features you add to your road bike, you can have an Orbea Arin Rival designed to suit your specific needs.

The frame-set of the Orbea Arin is super lightweight. Made from aluminum, the Orbea Arin's light weight gives the rider a sense of flying. This bicycle is designed to be lighter than models of comparable brands. You can easily build an Orbea bike for less than, or slightly over sixteen pounds. This allows the bike to go faster as well as making transporting the bike from place to place much easier.

Each Orbea bicycle is exquisitely crafted and the frame is hand painted. The building of the Orbea bicycles takes place in Pyrenees, Spain. Cycling is not just a sport …

Bicycle Safety Tips in the City

Bike riding can be a great way to exercise and spend time outside. While it is safest to ride on a designated bike trail, they are not always closely available. It is important to practice bicycle safety when riding a bike, especially in cities. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 698 deaths and 43,000 injuries from bike accidents in 2007. The number of biking accidents can be reduced if safety measures are taken. The following are 10 safety tips for riding a bicycle in the city:

1.)Always wear a helmet. A helmet can be a source of great protection if you were to get into a bicycle accident. It protects your head and brain from serious injury. Wearing a helmet has become a safety standard for the US government. It is important to make sure your helmet fits properly, is worn the right way, and …

The Bicycle: A College Student's Best Friend.

If you are in college, no doubt you get tired of walking from one class to another, or walking from your dorm room to class. Walking isn't bad. It's good. If you are in college, chances are you are over weight. Biking will help you while in college.

Let's look at how a normal day goes. If you live in a dorm or in an apartment complex near school, you might want to consider a bike. Have you taken a look at your school's parking lot lately? Unless you attend a private university, chances are your school's parking lot is full. Also, parking lots are the first thing to receive the dreaded "Under Construction" signs. At my school, UTSA (University of Texas at San Antonio) they are always under construction. Recently, they closed the road to the "overflow" parking, This road led to a parking lot very near the limits …