Safety Inspection for a Bicycle

Many people are choosing to ride their bicycle to work and other places to save gas and help protect the environment. However, many people do not perform a safety inspection on there bicycle, or they pay someone to do it for them. Safety inspections are important because as you ride your bicycle, parts tend to loosen and tires begin to wear. If a bicycle is in need of repair, you could be seriously injured. There is no need to pay someone to inspect your bicycle for safety, it is really quite simple to do at home yourself. Here is how to properly perform a bicycle inspection.

  1. Check the tires

Make sure that the tires are properly inflated, there are no cracks, or bubbles, and valve stems are secure and intact.

  1. Check your spokes

Ensure that all spokes in the tire rim are present and taught. Do not pull on them hard enough to bend them. These are in place to ensure that nothing gets in your tire causing you to wreck.

  1. Check the position of your seat.

Your feet should be able to touch the ground flat footed while sitting on the seat. If they your knees are bent more than a slight bit, your seat is too low. If you cannot place your feet flat on the ground with a little bend in your knees than your seat is too high.

  1. Check the Chain

Make sure the chain is in the proper position and all links are tight. Also, look for wear on the outside and inside portions of the chain links.

  1. Check all bolts.

It is very important to ensure that all bolts are tight and accounted for. Loose or missing bolts could cause an accident and serious injury.

Follow these simple steps and your bicycle will stay in top shape for quite a long time. Make sure to change your inter tubes and tires after the manufacturers recommended time period.

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