How to Ready Your Bicycle After Winter

Spring is just around the corner, and many people are toying with the idea of taking their bicycle out of the basement and going for a ride. Before doing this, however, it’s a good idea to perform some basic maintenance on your ride to make sure it’s ready to perform.


Tires don’t have to be ridden on to go flat. Generally, a bicycle will lose at least 10 psi of tire pressure while sitting over the winter. So, the first thing you should do is check your bike’s tire pressure. If it’s low, pump it up to the recommended pressure, which is usually written on the tire’s sidewall. Once the tires are fully pressurized, inspect them for any punctures or cracks (especially in the sidewall). If the rubber has deteriorated, it should be easy to notice.


Bicycle spokes require a certain amount of tension to support the …

50 CC Motor Driven Bicycle from Evo Scooters Bashan

The Bashan classic 50cc is a nice, sleek scooter with a praying mantis-style front light and handle bar assembly. It has an 4-stroke engine with a displacement of 49.5 cc. It is cvt fully automatic transmission, air cooled, single carborator, belt driven, with a 12v 5ah low maintenece battery. It has disk brakes in the front and drum brakes in the rear. It weighs about 190 pounds and can carry 300 pounds. It has a lockable trunk under the seat which carries about 7 pounds worth of items. It has a lockable gas cap in the rear above the tail lights. The Bashran classic 50cc has a mostly plastic and aluminum body that is light weight, strong, and flexible. It has manual turn signals with a button to turn it off. The speedometer shows miles and kilometers. The Bashan classic 50cc also has a kick start and two kick stands. …


Bicycles Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash

Bicycles Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash

Bicycles. There are many types of them for all the different reasons we use bikes. No matter what you need, there is a bicycle for it. Whether you are out there giving it your all, pedaling fast or just wanting to enjoy a nice afternoon ride, a bicycle will fit your need. Not only do bikes give you physical exercise but mental and financial health as well.

All terrain, road, beach or mountain. Where ever you are riding, there is a proper bicycle for it. Some of the bikes today are a far cry from your basic kids bmx bikes growing up. The ones with the kick back coaster brake where you kick back on your pedals and you stop. Some of us when we get older are lucky enough to still have the bicycle enthusiasm as we did as kids. Now, we have a much wider range of bikes …

Road Rules: How to Stay Safe when Riding Your Bicycle

Average cyclist’s activity while riding: watching where they’re going. Average American driver’s activity while driving: everything but watching where they’re going. Here’s a few things the average cyclist can do to stay safe.

  1.  Watch where everyone is going.

Don’t assume everyone on the road knows you’re there, and don’t assume everyone knows who has the right-of-way. Approach every intersection prepared to stop for visible traffic. I don’t even assume the guy in the left-turn only lane is actually going to turn left, and I certainly don’t assume the guy without any visible turn signal is actually going to go straight. Watch the front wheel, if you can, and be ready to stop safely as soon as you see it start to turn.

  1.  Do use hand signals.

When you want to signal a right turn on a bicycle, do you bend your arm at a 90 degree angle with your hand …

What Type of Bicycle Seat is Best for You?

Anybody that is looking for a great way to exercise should buy a bicycle. Those who are new to cycling might not know all the important features of a bicycle. Some probably think that all bicycle seats are the same but that isn't the case. There are different types of bicycle seats for different type of people. This is a rundown of some of the types of bicycle seats.

Types of Bicycle Seats: Cutaway
The Cutaway gets its name because certain part of the seat have been cut off. In some places the material has been removed and in other areas there are holes in the seat. These designs supposedly are to make the seat more comfortable so a cutaway bicycle seat might be a good idea if another seat is uncomfortable.

Types of Bicycle Seats: Gel
The gel bicycle seat is one of the most comfortable. It isn't designed …

Bicycle Helmets for Kids

As a parent you make dozens of decisions daily in an effort to keep your children safe. Choosing the right bicycle helmet and enforcing its use should be at the top of your list. Browse these stats: Properly wearing a bicycle helmet has been shown to reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent and the risk of brain injury by almost 90 percent. Yet, only 5 percent of children nationwide currently wear helmets while bicycling. Hmmm, you made your child brush his teeth this morning, but you're letting him roam the neighborhood without a helmet? Consider this: Each year, more than 130 children die from bicycle-related injuries and approximately 270,000 are treated in emergency rooms. Of these, nearly half (47 percent) have traumatic brain injuries. This isn't to scare you; it is all about educating you as a parent. The bottom line – a bike helmet is fundamental …

Bicycle Museum of America in New Bremen, OH: A Nostalgic Ride Through Time

Most adults can remember back to the moment they received their first two-wheel bike and I am no exception.

My first two-wheel bicycle was a circa 1970's model that was shiny purple in color with a white banana seat, chopper back bar and matching colored tassels hanging off the handles.

It also had a white basket clad with a floral motif. The bicycle was similar in design to a 1968 "Orange Krate", but without the shifter.

After I outgrew that bicycle I ended up with a pink "Huffy." The "Huffy" got traded in for several different purple and pink "Schwinn" 10 speeds, which I also later abandoned in lieu of my first car.

Thankfully for those of us who like to wax nostalgic over such childhood pleasures, there is a place one can go and revel in bicycle history; the "Bicycle Museum of America."

Situated in the City of New …

The Bicycle Ride

Early morning
sun in the trees
crispy cool air
most asleep
some leaving for church
pedaling the quiet streets
a lady waves
pruning her garden
gardening makes them happy
cobblestone street
tires thumping on well-worn bricks
passing old brick houses
feeling good on this ride
enjoying a slice of time
waiting for the light
reach the park
sit by the lake and smile
the ducks are happy today
and so am I…

Bicycle Parts

Most people that purchase a bicycle will do so at a sport shop or a "mart". The problem with purchasing a low end bicycle from a sporting goods store or a mart is that after the warranty expires you may no longer get free repairs, exchanges or parts. In most cases people that purchase a bicycle from volume oriented shops are basically buying a disposable product. They will ride the bicycle a few times and if something breaks or, in some cases, they get a flat tire the bicycle is stored or discarded and a new one is purchased. This isn't a very good use of disposable income. The income may be set aside for such recreational purposes but in fact it would be cheaper and more efficient if the person purchasing the bicycle knew some of the basic maintenance techniques used to keep a bicycle in good operation condition.…

Specialized Bicycles Women's Specific Era FSR Marathon Mountain Bike

A major departure from where a women's bike used to be, Specialized's FSR Marathon woman's specific mountain bike is a force to be reckoned with, on the trail and on the showroom floor. While some lesser manufacturers are putting out lower-quality women's bikes, Specialized bikes is releasing its full-suspension line of women's specific mountain bikes with some flair, creating a full-suspension women's bike with all the style a rider expects, with excellent components and a women's specific geometry that sets the full-suspension mountain bike market on its ear.

Women's bicycle design, and specifically women's mountain bike design, has come a long way since the first bike rolled down the street. Initially, only the top tube was offset to make room for the long dresses women used to wear. Other than that, women's bikes weren't much different from men's bikes. It wasn't until recently that women's bikes were built specifically for …